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Texas Fertility Center Group


Getting it right with diagnostic testing

When patients are having difficulty trying to conceive, the first question they want answered is, “Why?” Thanks to our experience and many options for diagnostic testing and fertility evaluation, Texas Fertility Center has been expertly diagnosing infertility in Waco patients for decades.

We know it’s vital to make the right diagnosis. Our experienced fertility specialists use thorough testing to uncover causes of fertility. We then provide patients with a customized treatment plan and peace of mind from knowing that a path forward can emerge.

Diagnostic testing gives answers

Infertility is a medical condition. With any medical condition, experienced care trumps Dr. Google or less-experienced care. Each patient is different, and those individual needs guide our board certified reproductive endocrinologists when diagnosing infertility in Waco.

There can be female, male or joint factors that contribute to infertility, and the right diagnosis is crucial. This begins with a consultation to learn about your individual medical history. For convenience, we offer virtual consultations as a first step in diagnosing infertility in Waco patients.

Texas Fertility Center then carefully examines factors that can affect fertility. While you may have had previous diagnostic testing, we prioritize current information. Additionally, our fertility evaluation can offer a more in-depth look at possible infertility causes than what you may receive from your OBGYN.

Components of fertility evaluation

Our experienced reproductive endocrinologists can order many tests and procedures to establish a baseline measure of your fertility.

  • Bloodwork – This can provide information about either partner. Bloodwork can also provide information about ovarian reserve (the quality and quantity of your eggs) and other hormones involved in ovulation.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound – This gives a closer, inside look at the uterine cavity to see its shape and size. It can also help in assessing the uterine lining and spotting abnormalities, such as polyps or fibroids. Additionally, an ultrasound can reveal follicles, the tiny, fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries where eggs develop.
  • A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) – This X-ray procedure allows a closer look inside the uterus and fallopian tubes. The shape and size of the uterus is evaluated, as well as possible blockages of the fallopian tubes.
  • Semen analysis – Male diagnostic testing can provide valuable information about the number, size, shape and movement of sperm.
  • Genetic carrier screening – We offer this to all patients considering pregnancy, following the guidance of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

A skilled eye in diagnosing infertility in Waco patients

Our fertility specialists are experts in diagnostic testing. When your fertility journey takes you to Austin, Texas Fertility Center leans into our collective 150 years of experience with fertility evaluation to get answers to your most pressing questions. Contact us to learn more.